After printing

Step 6

AFTER PRINTING – Now the most time-consuming and intense work begins! These are just a few of the multitude of steps that may be involved: The model is painted with …

cleaning the print

Step 5

CLEANING THE MODEL – Just as porcelain dolls require cleaning seams and sanding after they are removed from the mold, 3D prints need supports removed and the scars and pits …


Step 4

FINAL CURING – After printing, the figure will be dripping with uncured resin. It has to be thoroughly washed with alcohol and dried until no trace of uncured resin is …

Step 3

PRINTING THE MODEL – The printer has a “build plate” or platform that will dip into a vat of resin over and over for hours. Very thin layers of resin …

step 2

Step 2

PREPARING FOR PRINT – The file must be prepared for printing in a special program. Supports are added and many things, like islands and overhangs for example, must be taken …